Ditch Hormonal Birth Control & Reap the Benefits Jan 19, 2021

Hormonal birth control isn’t for everybody. While it can be extremely effective, there can be negative consequences with long-term use. Chances are if you’re reading this you’re...

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Coffee & Your Hormones axio caffeine alternatives causes of hormone imbalance coffee alternatives coffee and hormones functional medicine functional medicine coach health and wellness hormone imbalances integrative wellness advisors nj kate motz purelyft tea why drinking coffee is bad Jan 12, 2021

Ladies, it’s time to have a serious talk about coffee. Are you one of those women who can’t get the day started without a cup (or two) of coffee? Do you need a jolt of caffeine around...

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Upgrade Your Health By Practicing Gratitude be thankful functional medicine gratitude and wellness gratitude feel better gratitude for good health health coach integrative wellness advisors iwa practice gratitude why gratitude makes you healthier Nov 16, 2020

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express  gratitude...

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Stress, Gut Health & Weight Loss Resistance functional medicine gut health gut microbiome health coach healthy gut inflammation integrative wellness advisors nj kate motz stress and weight loss unable to lose weight weight loss weight loss resistance why can't i lose weight Oct 08, 2020

If you’re here, chances are you’ve been trying or have tried in the past to lose weight unsuccessfully. Chances are you tried adjusting your diet, exercising at least 3 times a week,...

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How to Ease the Back to Work Covid Anxiety anxiety back to work anxiety coping strategies covid-19 essential nutrients essential oils functional medicine gratitude health coach integrative wellness advisors journaling meditation natural anxiety relievers relieve anxiety naturally Sep 19, 2020

Covid-19 is still lingering but for many, it’s time to return to work and school. Not surprisingly, returning to semi-normal life in the midst of a pandemic can cause some anxiety. What if...

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4 Ways to Defuse Household Tensions While Self-Isolating covid-19 defuse tension family life functional medicine get rid of negativity health and wellness health coach promote family health and wellness quarantine life social distancing ways to get along with the family during quarantine Sep 10, 2020

Photo via Pixabay

Has your family been staying in self-isolation since the initial headlines about the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, everyone in your household might feel like their patience is...

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Biohack Your Way to Better Sleep binaural beats biohack your sleep biohacking functional medicine heal your gut health coach integrative wellness advisors nj natural tips for better sleep nootropics sleep and weight loss sleep better tips for better sleep ways to get more sleep Jul 23, 2020

When’s the last time you woke up without an alarm? When’s the last time you woke up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead? If you’re like the majority of Americans,...

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Unlock Your Brain's Potential with Nootropics ashwagandha axio b12 benefit your brain best nootropics biohack your brain biohacks control your mood and mind curcumin fish oil functional medicine ginkgo biloba health coach integrativewellnessadvsiors kate motz iwa l-theanine nad nootropics rhodiola rosea vitamin d what is a nootropic Jul 14, 2020

When you think about it, your brain is a pretty amazing and fascinating organ. It helps you recognize loved ones, communicate, store memories, and basically runs the entire show. Yet sometimes, it...

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Ways to Maximize the Benefits of Your Yoga Practice at Home health meditation tips wellness yoga yoga at home yoga during covid yoga during quarantine yoga practice Jun 26, 2020

Since recent statistics show about 36 million Americans currently doing yoga, it’s clear that people are really embracing the practice. In fact, this number is expected to grow to...

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Boost Your Immune System & Prevent Colds and Viruses boost your immune system colds & flu coronavirus covid-19 functional medicine health and wellness helath coach immunity boosters integrative wellness advisors natural flu remedies natural immunity boosters natural immunity tips take your vitamins May 29, 2020

There’s a lot of buzz out there right now about the coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s finally reached the level of a pandemic (which simply means “an outbreak of a new pathogen that...

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