PFAS: The Invisible Threat of Forever Chemicals chemicals contamination food pfas Jan 09, 2025

In recent years, a group of synthetic chemicals has emerged as a significant environmental and health concern: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, commonly known as PFAS or "forever chemicals."...

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Toxicity Finally Gets Banned antibacterial cleansers antibacterial soap bad? chemicals digestive issues fda bans triclosan functional medicine good old fashioned soap and water health coach integrative wellness advisors nj kate motz iwa nutrient deficiencies use soap and water Apr 05, 2021

In 2014, the FDA announced that manufacturers had to show that antibacterial soap was both safe and more effective than simply washing with conventional soap and water, or they would have...

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Natural Alternatives to Sunscreen – The Round Up alternatives to sunscreen chemicals health integrative wellness advisors natural skincare natural sunscreen skincare sunscreen toxins toxins in sunscreen Mar 12, 2021

In the past week, we’ve spent some time talking about how all sunscreens aren’t created equal and how many of them contain chemicals of which you might not have been aware. Yet you...

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Allergies Explained allergies allergy season chemicals detox diet functional medicine functional medicine coach green products health health coach integrative wellness advisors natural allergy relief natural wellness what's causing your allergies? Mar 05, 2021

You know what an allergy is, right? At the least, you know the symptoms – itchy eyes, sniffling, runny noses and, in more severe cases, rashes or hives. But do you really know why your body...

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Do You Know What Toxins You’re Putting on Your Body? avoid these chemicals in products beauty chemicals detox self-care toxic beauty toxic body products toxic bodywash toxic makeup toxins what are you putting in your body Mar 03, 2021

Did you know that not only do toxins enter our bodies through what we eat, drink, smoke, or breathe but can also enter our bodies through what we put on our bodies?  From soaps to makeup, you...

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