Busy Women Can Do Self-Care, Too: Finding Ways to Prioritize You emotional self-care emotional wellness fitness functional medicine functional medicine coach get rid of stress health healthy distractions how to practice self care self-care stress weight gain wellness Apr 03, 2021

If you are like most women, you are swamped from the time you drag yourself out of bed in the morning until you crawl back in at night. For thousands of women who live a hectic lifestyle, being...

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Could You Be B12 Deficient? boost your metabolism functional medicine functional medicine coach functional medicine health coach health health & wellness integrative wellness advisors nutrametrix nutrition symptom checker symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin deficiencies Mar 26, 2021

Did you know your ability to absorb Vitamin B12 gradually decreases with age? In fact, B12 deficiency is a silent epidemic with serious consequences to your health. Reports from the USDA show B12...

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Natural Alternatives to Sunscreen – The Round Up alternatives to sunscreen chemicals health integrative wellness advisors natural skincare natural sunscreen skincare sunscreen toxins toxins in sunscreen Mar 12, 2021

In the past week, we’ve spent some time talking about how all sunscreens aren’t created equal and how many of them contain chemicals of which you might not have been aware. Yet you...

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Allergies Explained allergies allergy season chemicals detox diet functional medicine functional medicine coach green products health health coach integrative wellness advisors natural allergy relief natural wellness what's causing your allergies? Mar 05, 2021

You know what an allergy is, right? At the least, you know the symptoms – itchy eyes, sniffling, runny noses and, in more severe cases, rashes or hives. But do you really know why your body...

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Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions, You Don’t Need ‘Em create habits ditch the resolutions functional medicine health healthy habits integrative wellness advisors iwanj make a plan meal plan plan for success wellness what’s the best kind of exercise Feb 01, 2021

Have you bailed on your New Year’s resolutions yet? I don’t know why we even bother with them. It’s nearly impossible to keep them. Did you know that 50% of US adults resolved to...

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Ways to Maximize the Benefits of Your Yoga Practice at Home health meditation tips wellness yoga yoga at home yoga during covid yoga during quarantine yoga practice Jun 26, 2020

Since recent statistics show about 36 million Americans currently doing yoga, it’s clear that people are really embracing the practice. In fact, this number is expected to grow to...

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