Why Hormonal Birth Control May Not Be the Best Choice birth control pills negatives ditch birth control pills functional medicine health coach help i stopped taking the pill integrative wellness advisors no more hormonal birth control pbcs post birth control syndrome stop pbcs what happens after the pill Mar 10, 2021

Maybe you used to think that using the Pill was no big deal. But did you know that using hormonal birth control to treat symptoms (such as acne or heavy periods) is only covering up an underlying...

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Allergies Explained allergies allergy season chemicals detox diet functional medicine functional medicine coach green products health health coach integrative wellness advisors natural allergy relief natural wellness what's causing your allergies? Mar 05, 2021

You know what an allergy is, right? At the least, you know the symptoms – itchy eyes, sniffling, runny noses and, in more severe cases, rashes or hives. But do you really know why your body...

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Do You Know What Toxins You’re Putting on Your Body? avoid these chemicals in products beauty chemicals detox self-care toxic beauty toxic body products toxic bodywash toxic makeup toxins what are you putting in your body Mar 03, 2021

Did you know that not only do toxins enter our bodies through what we eat, drink, smoke, or breathe but can also enter our bodies through what we put on our bodies?  From soaps to makeup, you...

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Why Sleep is So Important to Your Health essential oils functional medicine functional medicine coach health coach herbs for sleep how to get better sleep importance of sleep improve health with sleep lavender relaxation techniques sleep supplements for sleep wellness why is sleep important Mar 01, 2021

You know you should eat right and exercise, but do you really understand just how important sleep is to your health?  Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do for...

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Will the Hormone Harmony Strategy Work For You? Here’s How to Find Out… balance your hormones fix your hormones functional medicine harmony code health coach hormonal imbalance hormone harmony integrative wellness advisors iwa natural ways to balance your hormones Feb 16, 2021

If you’re like me, you’ve read so many stories on the internet about how to figure out if a natural hormone balancing strategy will work for you before you try it. And there are SO many...

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Five Hacks for Addressing Hormone Imbalances cortisol estrogen food sensitivities functional medicine headaches health coach hormone health hormone imbalance hormones infertility menopause natural ways to balance your hormones night sweats perimenopause pms weight loss weight loss resistance Feb 11, 2021

What is hormonal imbalance?

Most women experience a hormonal imbalance at some point in their life… and it hurts their health, their careers, and their relationships. Put simply, hormonal...

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Why Mindset Matters carol dweck change your mindset create habits ditch resolutions fitness mindset fixed mindset growth mindset how to create habits how to create healthy habits mindset matters visualize for success why mindset matters Feb 08, 2021

You started off 2021 with grand aspirations, right? You were determined to lose 20 pounds, have more energy, and fit into your “skinny” jeans again. But now that February has arrived...

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Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions, You Don’t Need ‘Em create habits ditch the resolutions functional medicine health healthy habits integrative wellness advisors iwanj make a plan meal plan plan for success wellness what’s the best kind of exercise Feb 01, 2021

Have you bailed on your New Year’s resolutions yet? I don’t know why we even bother with them. It’s nearly impossible to keep them. Did you know that 50% of US adults resolved to...

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