Hi, I’m Kate! Thank you for being here.
My mission is to help you address the root cause of your chronic health problems so that you can create balance, harmony and reclaim your health and vitality.
I am a mother to three amazing kids and Board Certified Functional Medicine Coach, with 20 years of experience in the health and wellness field.
Practicing as a health coach is so incredibly rewarding. To have the opportunity to play a part in helping people improve their well-being is such a gift. I love my mission on this planet and I’m so thankful I get to do what I love.

I know what it’s like to have a million things on your schedule, feel depleted, overwhelmed and confused about how to maintain balance. In my early thirties, I was over-stressed, over-tired (imagine that, a mom with 3 kids under the age of 5) and over-weight. Throughout my training, I studied root-cause analysis for health challenges, and decided to put my learned practices to work. I discovered my hormone levels were off, I had food sensitivities, micronutrient deficiencies, and these were all extremely common issues!
Most importantly, I learned that I didn’t have to take a pill or go on some crazy diet to fix it. After hearing the frustrating advice from my doctor (to eat less, exercise more and take medication), I decided to apply the natural alternatives I had studied instead. Within a few months, I had corrected my issues and felt immensely better. I changed some of the foods I was eating, prioritized my sleep, exercised differently, and took some basic essential nutrients (supplements). I lost 20 pounds, had new energy and decided it was my mission to share this with people!
- I believe there is a root cause behind every health challenge. Food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances and lifestyle choices must be discussed and addressed when looking at health issues. This is how to properly address troubling symptoms, rather than covering up or masking them.
- Chronic health problems are not addressed appropriately. We are led to believe that feeling sleep deprived, exhausted, having brain fog and excess weight is just part of the aging process. We are told that it’s normal. That is simply not true. There is nothing normal about that statement. You can transform your health problems and feel better today than you ever have, regardless of your age.
- The solution to our health challenges does not come in a pill. We are told that the answer to our health problems can be found in a bottle of prescription pills. I refuse to accept that!
You deserve a life of vitality and have the potential to be the healthiest version of you. Whether that means getting your weight right where you want it, getting your energy and sex drive back, and doing it naturally and safely is absolutely possible by re-evaluating how you think, what you eat, how you sleep, and how you move your body.

My goal is to help you discover and address the root causes of your health challenges. Your ultimate health transformations will be created and sustained when you address the root cause, not just the symptoms you are currently facing.
My mission is to provide guidance as you create your ideal path to wellness, accountability to ensure you meet each of your health goals so you achieve the results you desire. Let’s work together to get you healthy, then focus on well-rounded, sustainable prevention, so you can stay that way.
~ Kate