Overcoming Mold Toxins: A Survivor’s Story
Nov 25, 2024
In a previous blog post, I discussed mold toxins, how prevalent they are in our lives, and the havoc they wreak on our bodies. Jayne is a client of mine who was struggling in the dark, trying to sort out why she was experiencing an exhaustive list of maladies that were negatively impacting her quality of life in a major way. This is her story.
Jayne's Health Transformation: From Struggle to Success
Jayne always lived a very healthy, herbal-forward lifestyle, but as she got older, she started to have new concerns, including anxiety and sleep issues. And, despite being diligent with getting mammograms, which never showed any issues, she felt in her gut that something was wrong. And she was right.
At 69, already post-menopausal, she was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 1A. Despite living that very healthy lifestyle, doing all the right things, and exercising, Jayne learned quickly that breast cancer is a health and psychological challenge that brings you down hard and fast! In addition to her diagnosis, her anxiety had become debilitating, which wasn’t helping her situation either.
"The cancer was both estrogen and progesterone positive and they wanted to put me on Tamoxifen. Instead, I just started juicing with raw vegetable juices. I did it for probably 6 months, went off all processed sugar, pretty much any sugar at all, ate very little animal products, and pretty much just had fruits, vegetables, and fresh juices, and fresh vegetable juices. I did a ton of healing supplements, beta-glucan, and chimeric black seed to build up my immune system, and more, and I was healed, no cancer, good for years! Then on a recheck, there was a reoccurrence spot and it was positive, and it just threw me!"
She made the difficult choice to have a mastectomy to remove her right breast.
When asked about her experience, Jayne said, "It really tested my faith in all I’d known up to that point. I'm a woman of faith and I really lean on it. For most of my life, I felt great and didn't have any health issues at all. I travel extensively, visiting my kids on various coasts and towns, live a very active lifestyle, and I’m happy."
She continued, "That spiral caused me to have another probably full year of anxiety, bad anxiety, depression, fear, faith questioning, losing weight, wakeful sleeping, and I’m already thin at 5'6" and 120 lbs. I just was really a mess and so that's where my daughter just said, 'Mom, let's start working together and let's see if we can't get you back on track.' "
That's when Jayne (my mother) reached out to me.
Working with Jayne
Jayne was already working with an integrative DO when we moved forward to address her health and lifestyle concerns. We ran several functional medicine tests (Gut Zoomer, Micronutrient, Food Sensitivity, Mold, and Saliva to look at cortisol levels). Despite her healthy lifestyle, she was surprised at the results (including having Hashimoto's thyroid disease) and learned there was quite a bit to work on.
With my protocols added, she started doing her detoxing, and her gut transformed.
Per Jayne own words: "I'm like a new lady now since I've been on her protocols. Brain fog lifted, high blood pressure declined again, respiratory improvement, and sleep, finally. Kate stood by me the entire time and kept working at it because we couldn't figure out why we couldn't get to the roots of some of it. The anxiety was debilitating and reoccurring. I'm sure I gave her a run for her money."
The Journey to Better Health
To get Jayne on the road to improved health, we explored DNRS, a dynamic neural retraining program that is used to retrain your brain dealing with anxiety (a result of multiple cancer traumas). In addition to other useful supplements, I suggested she begin taking binders and choline supplements to support the liver. To address the mold issue, she began using MYCOREGEN.
The whole healing journey took about a year.
Now Jayne reports her anxiety levels (which started at 9-10) are now down to a 1 or less.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to help my mom with this.
Are you experiencing anything like Jayne experienced? If so, please reach out to me and let’s see how we can work together to put you back on the road to wellness!
Schedule a consultation today!